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Tiger Shroff to commence work on ‘Rambo’ in March 2024

After a string of box office duds, Tiger Shroff will reportedly commence work on ‘Rambo’ under the direction of Rohit Dhawan. It is produced by Siddharth Anand.

The project is a Hindi remake of the 1982 Hollywood classic of the same name. A source told PinkVilla, “The Indian version of Rambo will be directed by Rohit Dhawan with Siddharth Anand and Jio Studios as the producer. The script is locked and the prep work is going on in full swing. Rohit and Siddharth are having all sorts of discussions with various action teams as the idea is to create an action spectacle that does justice to the legacy of Hollywood Original Film.”

The source added, “With Jio Studios as the production partner, Sid, and Rohit are all set to go big on the budget front. The idea is to amp up the film on the scale front and re-invent Tiger Shroff as Rambo, It’s a story which has been reworked keeping the sensibilities of Indian Audience in mind.”

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