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Hum TV launches ‘HumSe’ Pakistan campaign for Independence Day

Hum TV has unveiled its campaign, ‘HumSe’, to celebrate the 76th Pakistan Independence Day. The campaign aims to rekindle hope and encouraging individual and collective responsibilities. It also is looking to empower Pakistanis to rise above their personal agendas and actively contribute to the betterment of the nation.

The broadcaster says: “Today, as the country faces grave economic trials, security concerns and political polarization, the sense of faith and optimism that has long defined the nation is at a crossroads. The ‘HUMSE PAKISTAN’ campaign seeks to rally the public to reestablish the core values of unity and collaboration, motivating citizens to individually and collectively address challenges that the country faces today.”

Central to the campaign’s message is the call to action that unity and collaboration are the keys to surmounting challenges. Highlighting the remarkable stories of everyday Pakistanis who have taken it upon themselves to bring positive changes in their communities, the campaign highlights critical areas where individual initiatives have made a huge difference: Healthcare, Safety, Education, Cleanliness and Hygiene.

The campaign also delivers a potent blend of inspiration, patriotism, empowerment and authenticity. It taps into the inherent pride and responsibility citizens feel for their country, urging them to believe in their ability to drive constructive change. The campaign’s messaging empowers individuals by emphasizing their capacity to solve national issues, fostering a sense of ownership and self-motivation.

Featuring diverse individuals and scenarios that showcase their initiatives, through compelling visuals, emotional narratives and a strong patriotic undertone, the campaign aims to instill pride, motivation and a sense of shared ownership. It urges viewers to turn inspiration into action and contribute actively to building a positive Pakistan.