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Community Voice FM in Middlesborough keen to add more South Asian music

Middlesborough community station, Community Voice FM is keen to extend the South Asian music it plays.

A community radio station must adhere to key commitments, which form part of its Ofcom broadcasting licence. They include the character of the service, its required programming, and accountability to listeners in the local area. To change any of its commitments, Ofcom must be consulted.

In a request made to the media regulator, Voice FM said it would change the type of music it broadcasts across the week from “Asian, African, world music, rock, pop, classical and urban” to “Asian (including Pakistani, Indian, Punjabi, Mirpuri, and Qawwali Music), global, rock, pop, urban, and chart music.

Additionally, during religious and cultural occasions – such as Ramadan and Diwali, the service may change its music output to include “religious/spiritual tracks only”.

It further stated that it would alter its speech output from “National and international news, local news, discussions, interviews, and faith-based programming” to “National news, local community information, guest interviews and faith-based programming”.

Vary its languages of programming from “programming in English and other community languages including Urdu, Mirpuri, Farsi, Punjabi and Arabic” to “programming in alterative community languages during the course of the annual broadcast, with a particular focus on South Asian communities.

It intends to alternate its programming during the year to fit in with religious and cultural calendars; and Reduce its original output from 8 hours per day (56 hours per week equivalent) to 42 hours per week.

Ofcom said it was minded to reject the Key Commitments changes requested by the Licensee. However, it seeking views on the requests before we make a final decision.