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Arc Pictures presents ‘Lockdown Dreams 2020’; a web-series featuring worldwide actors

Arc Pictures and team, brings a comic lockdown web-series which is filmed by actors from different parts of the world in these unprecedented times.

With social distancing and staying at home in place, filmmaking is now evolving with technology to be more virtual than ever.  Aliakbar Campwala, the writer-filmmaker of the project says, “We artists are living in total isolation which has brought despair by Covid 19. This is an attempt to combat this situation with comedy and give hope to humanity in this seemingly never ending crisis.”

“The series is made within constraints of lockdown around the world, breaking the barriers of creativity. Nothing can prevent me to make films despite the limitations and the necessity to create art now becomes far too important in this era,” he added.

Arc Pictures were on the lookout for a platform to express their creativity and talent and to challenge the new status quo. With a bit of motivation from the team, the concept of ‘Lockdown Series’ was initiated.

“Whilst making this series, we could look out for each other and socialise as a film crew online. This is an important factor as we need to motivate ourselves and always hope that better times will come, by staying positive”, added Campwala.

“We also wanted to focus on the things which actually bring us together, no matter where you are, and creating a ‘fun’ memory when we remember this lockdown era ourselves for years to come”, he concluded.

‘Lockdown Dreams 2020 A.C’ – Episode 2 Now available to watch online on Arc Pictures YouTube page.